Legal notice

Isabel Vilalta Colomer
NIF: 77.914.190-B
C/ Cristòfol Grober, 4, 1-6 E - 17001 GIRONA
+34 972 48 52 55

Data protection policy
By means of this notice, the company ISABEL VILALTA COLOMER (hereafter, “VICEVERSA") informs users of its website of its personal data protection policy (hereafter, "personal data") so that they may determine freely and voluntarily if they wish to provide VICEVERSA with the personal data requested on the “Quote” form. VICEVERSA reserves the right to modify the present data protection policy in order to adapt it to changes in the law and to industry practices. The personal data will be handled and stored in computer files of which VICEVERSA will be the holder and will be responsible.
The aim of the gathering and handling of personal data carried out by VICEVERSA or by third parties in its name, is to maintain the contractual relationship that the client has, if this is the case, with VICEVERSA, the management, administration, provision, amplification and improvement of VICEVERSA’s services, their adaptation to the preferences and likes of clients, and the sending, by traditional and electronic means, of commercial information on services that VICEVERSA currently offers and will offer in the future.
VICEVERSA will not grant personal data to third parties without the prior and express consent of those affected. VICEVERSA or, if this is the case, the third parties that handle the personal data in the name of VICEVERSA, has adopted legally required levels of security of personal data protection. Nevertheless, the user should be aware that security measures on the Internet are not impregnable. Users recognise and may exercise their rights of access, cancellation, rectification and opposition, contacting VICEVERSA by means of electronic mail at